1. 个人简介:
邓清海 博士,教授,有机化学专业硕士导师。上海市特聘教授。2003年于武汉大学化学与分子科学学院获理学学士学位;2009年于中国科学院上海有机化学研究所获理学博士学位,师从支志明院士(香港大学);2010-2012年获德国洪堡基金会资助于德国海德堡大学从事博士后研究;2012-2014年获海德堡大学和巴斯夫公司资助于海德堡催化研究实验室从事博士后研究;2015年加入永利yl8886官方网站。
Email: qinghaideng@shnu.edu.cn
2015.01-至今,永利yl8886官方网站 教授
2010.03-2014.12,德国海德堡大学 洪堡博士后
2009.07-2010.02,香港大学 博士后
2. 主要研究方向:
3. 代表性科研项目:
[2]新型配体设计及其金属有机化学,上海高校特聘教授岗位计划,2015- 2019。
[5]新型协同配体在不对称催化中的应用研究, 2017- 2019。
4. 代表性论文及著作:
D.-Q. Wu, Z.-Y. Guan, Y. Peng, J. Sun, C. Zhong, Q.-H. Deng*. Iron(II) Chloride-Catalyzed Nitrene Transfer Reaction for Dearomative Amination of β-Naphthols with Aryl Azides. Adv. Synth. Catal., 2018, Ahead of Print.
W. Zhou, Y. L. Mei, B. Li, Z. Y. Guan, Q.-H. Deng*. Synthesis of beta-Alkyl 2-Hydroxychalcones by Rhodium-Catalyzed Coupling of N-Phenoxyacetamides and Nonterminal Propargyl Alcohols. Org. Lett. 2018, 20, 5808-5812.
Z.-R. Li, D.-Q. Wu, J. Sun, J. Shen, Q.-H. Deng*. Metal-Free Azidoarylation of Vinylcyclopropanes for the Synthesis of N3-Containing Dihydronaphthalenes. Asian J. Org. Chem. 2018, 7, 432-438.
Q. Ye, M. Jiang*, Q.-H. Deng*, J.-T. Liu. Copper-catalyzed Intramolecular Carbotrifluoromethylation of Ene-Imines for the Construction of 3-(2,2,2-Trifluoro)ethylated 4-Amino-Chromans. Adv. Synth. Catal. 2018, 360, 1402-1406.
Q. Liu, Q. Chen, X. Leng, Q.-H. Deng*, L. Deng*. Hafnium(II) Complexes with Cyclic (Alkyl)(amino)carbene Ligation.Organometallics2018, accepted.
Z.-R. Li, X.-X. Bao, J. Sun, J. Shen, D.-Q. Wu, Y.-K. Liu, Q.-H. Deng*, F. Liu*.Iron-catalyzed trifluoromethylation of vinylcyclopropanes: facile synthesis of CF3– containing dihydronaphthalene derivatives. Org. Chem. Front. 2016, 3, 934.
T. Bleith#, Q.-H. Deng#, H. Wadepohl, L. H. Gade*. Radical Changes in Lewis Acid Catalysis: Matching Metal and Substrate. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2016, 55, 7852.( # Co-first Authors)
Q.-H. Deng, R. L. Melen, L. H. Gade*.Anionic Chiral Tridentate N-Donor Pincer Ligands in Asymmetric Catalysis. Acc. Chem. Res. 2014, 47, 3162.
Q.-H. Deng, Rettenmeier, C., H. Wadepohl, L. H. Gade*.Copper-Boxmi Complexes as Highly Enantioselective Catalysts for Electrophilic Trifluoromethylthiolations. Chem. Eur. J.2014, 20, 93. (Highlighted by “Synfacts2014, 398.”)
Q.-H. Deng, T. Bleith, H. Wadepohl, L. H. Gade*. Enantioselective Iron-Catalyzed Azidation of β-Ketoesters and Oxindoles. J. Am. Chem. Soc.2013, 135, 5356.
Q.-H. Deng, H. Wadepohl, L. H. Gade*. Highly Enantioselective Copper-Catalyzed Electrophilic Trifluoromethylation of β-Ketoesters. J. Am. Chem. Soc.2012, 134, 10769. (Highlighted by “Synfacts2012, 979.”)
Q.-H. Deng, H. Wadepohl, L. H. Gade*. Highly Enantioselective Copper-Catalyzed Alkylation ofβ-Ketoesters and Subsequent Cyclization to Spirolactones/Bi-spirolactones. J. Am. Chem. Soc.2012,134, 2946. (Highlighted by “Synfacts2012, 512.”)
Q.-H. Deng, H. Wadepohl, L. H. Gade*. The Synthesis of a New Class of Chiral Pincer Ligands and Their Applications in Enantioselective Catalytic Fluorinations and the Nozaki-Hiyama-Kishi Reaction. Chem. Eur. J.2011, 17, 14922.
5. 获奖情况:
[1] 德国洪堡学者,2012年。
[2] 上海市特聘教授称号,2013年。