1. 个人简介:
简介:主要从事精细化工领域中的高性能有机荧光染料研究。围绕功能性荧光染料及其生物医学应用这一研究方向,针对活细胞内分子事件实时跟踪、公共安全和重大疾病诊疗精准测量的实际需求,聚焦于生物检测用功能染料的高选择性、定量检测、多功能识别等关键科学问题,开展了系统的基础研究,发展了系列高性能的荧光探针分子。近年来,以第一作者或通讯作者身份发表SCI论文32篇,包括Chem. Soc. Rev.、Coord. Chem. Rev.、J. Am. Chem. Soc.、Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.、Biosens. Bioelectron.、Anal. Chem.、Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.等期刊。获授权中国发明专利11项,以第一发明人申请中国专利7项,授权4项。
2. 教育工作经历:
2012.09-至今,永利yl8886官方网站 化学系,讲师/副教授/教授
2017.03-2019.11,Jacobs University Bremen,博士后(洪堡学者)
3. 研究领域:
[1] 有机功能染料
[2] 荧光传感及生物医学检测
[3] 超分子识别
4. 项目与荣誉
5. 成果:
Luling Wu, Jihong Liu, Xue Tian,Robin R. Groleau, Beidou Feng, Yonggang Yang, Adam C. Sedgwick, Hai-Hao Han*, Yang Wang, Han-Min Wang, Fang Huang, Steven D. Bull, Hua Zhang*, Chusen Huang*, Yi Zang, Jia Li, Xiao-Peng He, Ping Li*, Bo Tang, Tony D. James*, and Jonathan L. Sessler*,Dual-Channel Fluorescent Probe for the Simultaneous Monitoring of Peroxynitrite and Adenosine-5’-triphosphate in Cellular Applications, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2022, 144, 174-183.
Shuang He, Pei Zhang, Jing Sun, Yu Ji, Chusen Huang*, and Nengqin Jia*, Integrating potential-resolved electrochemiluminescence with molecularly imprinting immunoassay for simultaneous detection of dual acute myocardial infarction markers, Biosens. Bioelectron.2022, 201, 113962.
Huan Li, Chengcheng Wang, Lei Cai, Xiang Yu, Luling Wu*, Nannan Yuan, Yiming Zhu, Nengqin Jia, Tony D. James*, and Chusen Huang*, Versatile Ratiometric Fluorescent Probe Based on the Two-Isophorone Fluorophore for Sensing Nitroxyl, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.2021, 60, 15913-15920.
Xiaoqin Wei, Tongxia Jin, Chusen Huang*, Nengqing Jia, Weiping Zhu*, Yufang Xu, Xuhong Qian, Monoarsenical-based chemical approaches for exploration of endogenous vicinal-dithiol-containing proteins (VDPs): From the design to their biological application, Coord. Chem. Rev. 2020, 429, 213621.
Luling Wu, Chusen Huang*, Ben P. Emery, Adam C. Sedgwick, Steven D. Bull, Xiao-Peng He, He Tian*, Juyoung Yoon*, Jonathan L. Sessler* and Tony D. James*, Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET)-based small-molecule sensors and imaging agents. Chem. Soc. Rev. 2020, 49, 5110-5139.
Luling Wu, Yang Wang, Tony D. James*, Nengqin Jia* and Chusen Huang*. A hemicyanine based ratiometric fluorescence probe for mapping lysosomal pH during heat stroke in living cells, Chem. Commun. 2018, 54, 5518-5521.
Luling Wu, Xiaolin Li, Yifei Ling, Chusen Huang*, and Nengqin Jia*. Morpholine Derivative-Functionalized Carbon Dots-Based Fluorescent Probe for Highly Selective Lysosomal Imaging in Living Cells, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces2017, 9, 28222-28232.
Luling Wu, Xiaolin Li, Chusen Huang*, and Nengqin Jia*. Dual-Modal Colorimetric/Fluorescence Molecular Probe for Ratiometric Sensing of pH and Its Application, Anal. Chem.2016, 88, 8332-8338.
Ti Jia, Congying Fu, Chusen Huang*, Haotian Yang, and Nengqin Jia*. A Highly Sensitive Naphthalimide-Based Fluorescence Polarization Probe for Detecting Cancer Cells. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2015, 7, 10013–10021.
Chusen Huang, Ti Jia, Mengfang Tang, Qin Yin, Weiping Zhu*, Chao Zhang, Yi Yang, Nengqin Jia*, Yufang Xu*, Xuhong Qian. Selective and Ratiometric Fluorescent Trapping and Quantification of Protein Vicinal Dithiols and in Situ Dynamic Tracing in Living Cells,J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2014, 136, 14237-14246.
Chusen Huang*, Ti Jia, Congjun Yu, Amin Zhang and Nengqin Jia*. An ESIPT based fluorescent probe for highly selective and ratiometric detection of periodate, Biosens. Bioelectron. 2015, 63, 513-518.
Tiantian Chen, Liyan Yin, Chusen Huang*, Yiqiao Qin, Weiping Zhu*, Yufang Xu, and Xuhong Qian, Highly selective “Off–On” fluorescent probe for histidine and its imaging in living cells, Biosens. Bioelectron.2015, 66, 259-265.
Chusen Huang, Qin Yin, Weiping Zhu*, Yi Yang*, Xin Wang, Xuhong Qian, and Yufang Xu*. Highly Selective Fluorescent Probe for Vicinal Dithiol-Containing Proteins and In-Situ Imaging in Living Cells, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2011, 50, 7551- 7556.
1. 一种新型双发射荧光染料探针及其制备与应用,专利号:201811438300.2, 授权日期: 2021.05.18。黄楚森,王成成,贾能勤,王冠扬。
2. 基于小分子荧光探针的新型荧光偏振传感器构建及其应用,专利号:201410746656.8, 授权日期:2019.10.29。黄楚森,贾倜,贾能勤,付聪颖。
3. 一种检测高碘酸根的高选择性比值型荧光探针,专利号:201410318109.X, 授权日期:2019.09.06。黄楚森,贾能勤,贾倜,于丛军,章阿敏。
4. 一种比率型pH荧光探针及其制备方法与应用,专利号:201610142707.5, 授权日期:2019.03.01。黄楚森,吴庐陵,贾能勤,贾倜。